A recent comScore study reveals that portals commanded the largest share of online minutes, accounting for 24.4% of total time in Greater China (including Taiwan and Hong Kong), followed by the Entertainment (9%), Search/Navigation (6.2%), Social Networking (5.5%) and Retail (5%)site categories.
These five categories combined accounted for half of all time spent online in Greater China during April.
Tencent is the leading portal reaching 64.4% Internet users. Youku led as the largest Entertainment site reaching 19.2% of online users, while Baidu.com ranked as the largest Search/Navigation property reaching 59.4% of web users.
Oak Pacific Interactive Sites (who owns Renren.com, mop.com, uume.com, donews.com and etc.) led as the most-visited Social Networking destination in Greater China reaching 17.8% of unique visitors, while Alibaba held the number one spot among Retail destinations reaching 36.5% of visitors.